Author Archives: admin

As Sad As I Am – from the archives

This short post from nearly 10 years ago seems even more timely today.  monday, august 10, 2009 I took a sort of “grief retreat” this last weekend. While in Scotland at the Nonviolent Communication Intensive Training, I had realized that … Continue reading

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Paying Attention

I grow weary under the onslaught of information that pervades our wifi world. It is no longer possible to fully participate in work or play, professional or personal relationships and growth without using a screen. Passively (as in television viewing) … Continue reading

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Camino Echoes – Disruption & Gratitude


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That Which I Can Recognize But Never Name

(I recently came across this letter in a file and have decided to re-publish it here. I wrote it to friends in February 2008, about my experiences not long after the death of John O’Donohue – for whom I had  … Continue reading

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Farm Life

I’m feeling something shifting in my understanding of my way of life. This morning as I woke, I had the familiar thoughts (and accompanying dread) about a clambering to-do- list, “OVERDUE” flashing relentlessly in my skull. Then, for unknown reasons, … Continue reading

Posted in career, Freedom, happiness | 1 Comment

Dancing in Every Direction

When I dance, I take steps forward, sideways, backward.  I follow a rhythm.  I coordinate my movements and rhythm to those of other dancers and the music surrounding me, and I love the creative experience. When I work, I make … Continue reading

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Rejeuvenating Creative Energy and Willingness

Where Did My Willingness Go? Lately, I’ve been feeling stuck.  I can’t seem to find my willingness to do the things I’ve agreed to do.  My pending to-do tasks are piling up and deadlines are boiling into urgency. Something needs … Continue reading

Posted in career, Freedom, happiness | 2 Comments

Discovering Agreement Is Not A Conversation About The Relationship. The Conversation Is The Relationship.

Traditionally, we start our conversations about our business deals with negotiations of “deal points.”  This leads us to assume that the deal points define our relationship.  Discovering Agreement challenges that assumption. What truly does define a relationship?  Relationship is defined … Continue reading

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Discovering Agreement vs Negotiating Terms

I’ve just read the article by J. Kim Wright (of CuttingEdgeLaw) about the value and importance of putting business agreements in writing.  I agree with Kim that one of the most valuable things you can do is put the agreements and … Continue reading

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Abiding Questions

Every Sunday morning, my dad and I use iChat to have a video-conference.  He calls it “having breakfast together.” (I think of it as our “Jetson Family Moment.”) Last Sunday, as I sipped my coffee and jiggled the headset connection, … Continue reading

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